Thursday, June 25, 2015

My Grandfather

Dear Friends,

My DT post for Unstampabelles - the Last ten hours left to participate.

This month theme is Who is Your Hero/Heroine?

Create a mixed media item to celebrate your hero

The twist is to journal about it in your blog

My Interpretation to the theme is here.Distressed the background to get the Flag colours and Used Tim Holtz Sun Shine stencil over it. In remembering my grandfather used Quilled Footprints. Hand written sentiment and arranged two butterflies to carry it and shells to give beach effect.

My Hero is my Grand father. Whom i admire most in my life.

This post is a tribute to my Grand Father. You left footprints on my heart Grandpa - Missing you a lot

He used to read Mahatma Gandhiji's autobiography for me daily.

Mahatma Gandhi - Father of India -  I have grown up by hearing his autobiography.

The Man who stood for ahimsa (Peace & non- violence).  Some Quotes of him are below

There is no such thing as "Gandhism", and I do not want to leave any sect after me. I do not claim to have originated any new principle or doctrine. I have simply tried in my own way to apply the eternal truths to our daily life and problems...The opinions I have formed and the conclusions I have arrived at are not final. I may change them tomorrow. I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and nonviolence are as old as the hills

 "I know the path. It is straight and narrow. It is like the edge of a sword. I rejoice to walk on it. I weep when I slip. God's word is: 'He who strives never perishes.' I have implicit faith in that promise. Though, therefore, from my weakness I fail a thousand times, I will not lose faith, but hope that I shall see the Light when the flesh has been brought under perfect subjection, as some day it must. "

Now to our challenge at Unstampabelles and the gift offered by Susan Hogan

 You have solid 10 hours to work on your project. Look forward to your work and Link your projects


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